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Statutory Demand Today | Get Debts Paid | Debt Collection Solicitors

Creditor Statutory Demand

Simon Burn Solicitors has built a reputation as one of the UK’s premier business litigation law firms. We help businesses collect their debts and protect their bottom line in the UK, Europe and Worldwide.

Our clients are diverse, drawn from many industries and sectors of the economy but all looking for superior debt recovery services.

We know that it takes lawyers of expertise and experience coupled with aggressive legal tactics to get what is rightfully yours.

One such tactic is the use of a Statutory Demand. Statutory Demands are the first step towards making a debtor insolvent. They can be used against individuals and against companies in certain circumstances. Where those circumstances exist Statutory Demands are a powerful tool in a creditors’ armoury.

Serve a statutory demand

Is the Statutory Demand right for you?

Find out using our free on-line statutory demand assessment

However caution must be exercised and Statutory Demands are only used where the law permits. At Simon Burn Solicitors we approach each debt recovery instruction on an individual basis. We bring a thoroughness and intensity of analysis to each and every new case which you simply will not find elsewhere. What’s more you do not pay anything for this analysis. This is because we have a team of highly skilled experienced and motivated qualified lawyers who can conduct a thorough analysis and quickly offer recommendations at no cost. That way we can quickly move on to taking the appropriate steps to recover your money.

Solicitor or debt recovery agency?

Why choose a solicitor for debt recovery?

Using a Statutory Demand is not and should not be costly. We offer a range of funding options including fixed fees and outcome based funding options which allow you to choose the funding model most suitable for your business. As we are very skilled and successful at collecting interest charges and statutory compensation, often the cost to you is nothing.

At Simon Burn Solicitors we offer a unique combination of collection skills and legal tactics. Whilst we collect debts we also provide other services. We bring the same tenacious no nonsense representation whether we are collecting your money or defending you. If you have been served with a Statutory Demand for a debt that is disputed, we can help you set aside the statutory demand

If you would like to find out if a Statutory Demand is right for you contact us now.


The Legal 500 - The Clients Guide to Law Firms

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Help to recover debt

Advice with debt recovery

Serving a statutory demand

Please read our advice pages, FAQ and contact us and we'll do our best to help

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For more information and advice from the debt recovery solicitors, call us today +44(0)1242 228 444 or submit an enquiry via our contact us